When you’ve been providing digital marketing services as long as we have at WSIDMINC, you learn that the only constant is change. SEO and digital marketing change every year, and marketers must constantly stay on top of the latest technologies and innovations.
This is certainly true of Google’s new Multitask Uniform Model (MUM) systems, which are one of the biggest changes to their search engine in years. MUM promises to deliver even more accurate results to users, based on a wide variety of sources – and digital marketing services must adjust their strategies to match.
What Is MUM?
The underlying inspiration behind MUM is recognizing that the way people put information online, and how they search for that information, is changing. Ten years ago, text was the primary media online, and the main way of gathering information. Today, the text is still important, but it’s being increasingly supplemented with other media such as videos, slideshows, social media, and visual sources such as Pinterest.
MUM is Google’s response to this: a machine-learning initiative that is multi-modal, and capable of taking in information from a wide variety of media. To put it simply, MUM can ‘watch’ videos or ‘look’ at pictures, and correctly parse the information contained in them, just like it can understand the text. On top of that, it’s also trained in over seventy-five languages, and can pull in (and translate) foreign-language information in its results, if needed.
It can even distinguish emotional content, such as positive versus negative reactions to news.
How MUM Impacts Digital Marketing Services
It is now more important than ever for businesses – and their marketing services – to embrace a multimedia approach to SEO and content marketing. Text alone is no longer sufficient. The most successful marketing strategies will be multi-modal and multi-media, spreading messaging across numerous platforms.
In addition, consistency is now a critical concern. Your materials should be internally consistent, in terms of the information presented, as well as the tone. If you have a “How To” article on your website, and a similar “How To” on YouTube, but they present contradictory information, that could be a problem.
Also, another feature in MUM is image recognition, currently used through their Google Lens app. This allows users to simply photograph an object and receive information about it. Make sure you have detailed product listings with high-quality photos on your site, to aid product searches.
Contact us for personalized, quality digital marketing services
WSIDMINC stays on top of new innovations in digital marketing, and we’re following MUM closely. To learn more about how to leverage MUM in your operations, contact us online today or call 1 (888) 455-3230.